Sadly our ANZ Latrobe Branch closed its doors on Thursday, 18 February 2016, bringing to an end 140 years operating in the town apart from an ATM cash dispensing machine which continues.
Some history of the Branch is to be found in the Launceston Examiner newspaper of Monday, 13 September 1926 which records, “LATROBE BANK JUBILEE – Thursday, September 9, was the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Commercial Bank of Tasmania at Latrobe in premises near the Bank of Australasia. There business was carried on for ten years, with the late Mr. Allanby as manager. At the present time, the business is carried on under the name of the E.S. and A. Bank. During the 50 years, there has been five managers – Messrs Allanby, Pennyfather, Drake, Parsons, and Cox…..”
Ten years after commencing business in the town the Commercial Bank built their own premises centrally located in Gilbert Street. They moved there in mid-year 1886 with it being described as a “handsome building”. The cost when finished was stated as about £2,500.
In May 1893 a big flood occurred at Latrobe with some properties, including the Bank, being flooded to a depth of two to three feet. At the Bank, a small fish was washed in, and it is recorded that it was caught by one of the clerks.
The current premises, higher up in Gilbert Street, was built and opened in the mid 1970’s.
When I called there two days before closing, there were only two staff at the Branch, Kerrie Haines and Jeanice Hinds, both of whom were working there when I was at the Branch from 1986 to 1992. Kerrie has worked for ANZ for 37 years and Jeanice almost 30 years.
During their lunch break and over cake and coffee we did a lot of reminiscing. One story remembered was that of the “Money Jar”. One day a Phillippino lady who spoke little English called at the Branch with the only understandable words being that of “money jar”. Jeanice went searching for a jar but could not find one. The lady realizing that she had been misunderstood again repeated “money jar!”, “money jar!” and pointed to the Manager’s office and where she was soon ushered and attended to.