Air Training Corps 1957-1960


I joined the Air Training Corps (ATC) in 1957 as part of the Launceston Technical High School 7 Flight group, continuing until December 1960. It was stated as being the largest Flight group in Tasmania. During that time, I rose through the ranks from Cadet to Commissioned Under Officer (CUO), the highest rank achievable.

Ivan Badcock as a Cadet next to Eric and Elma’s new car in 1957

Ivan Badcock as a Commissioned Under Officer (CUO) front right in 1960 at the Brighton Army Camp

ATC got underway in Launceston in 1941 with the intent being to help grow the RAAF with recruits and skills and to provide initial air crew training for youths who intend to join the Airforce as pilots, air gunners, wireless telegraph operators or observers. 

Cadets were provided with uniforms and were scheduled to attend two evening classes a week at Launceston High School as well as Saturday afternoon parades at Wellington Square State School. 

Activities in later years are spelled out in the annual school reports of 1959 and 1960. See attached. 

Subjects studied included service knowledge, aircraft recognition, armaments and their use and drill. Visits to Airforce establishments were also made.  

School teachers were given Airforce rank and taught those who signed up. Teachers in my time included Allan Tucker (Flt Lieutenant), Edwin Rowsell (Pilot Officer), and Greg Blauboum. 

Ivan Badcock’s Air Cadet Insignes

1959 ATC Report 

1960 ATC Report 

Launceston Technical High School 7 Flights Air Training Corps 1959

Front (L-R): Robert Morrison, Terry Wilks, …. Cole, Martin Crawford, Ivan Badcock, P.O. Rowswell, Fl. Lt. Tucker, Mr Mullock, Max Freeland, Barry Hill, Unknown, Unknown, … Cottrel.
Middle: Martin Stevenson, Ian Burns, David Baulch, Julian Wise, Brian Meehan, Kevin Lamb, Ian Nickolas, John Ross, John Woolnough, John Prewer, Tony Hart, Kevin Preece, Ian Conn.
Back: Graeme Jones, David Scott, Alan Hardman, Don Morsen, Ken Mallinson, … Bell, Neville Bean, Denis Atkins, Wayne Templar, John Morely, …. Richardson.

Written by Ivan Badcock – 10 June 2024 

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