A black and white photo of the Pieman River

Pieman River, Western Tasmania – 1963

Pieman River at Rosebery – 1963

The Pieman River is to be found near Rosebery and in 1963 was still free flowing but has since been dammed to produce electricity and is now covered by water and known as Lake Rosebery.

The Pieman River commences at Tullah with the joining together of the McIntosh and Murchison Rivers. They have 21 tributaries draining water from a large area of Western Tasmania which is subject to high rainfall, often above 100 inches in the year. The river descends 627 feet over its 61 miles course.

The Aboriginal Tasmanians knew the river as Corinna which is their word for thylacine. It received the name Pieman from a convict who was known as “The Pieman”. He was Thomas Kent of Southampton, a pastry cook, who was transported to Van Diemen’s Land in 1816. After a long series of convictions from arrival, he was sent to the Macquarie Penal Station. After escaping was recaptured near the mouth of the river which now bears his nickname.

Written by Ivan Badcock – 10 April 2024

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