Launceston Junior Technical School

Peter Crowcroft, sometimes known as William Peter Crowcroft, was born in Launceston, Tasmania, and received his secondary education at the Launceston Junior Technical School and in 1937 was dux of the school, gaining 5 credits and 4 passes.
He had a life-long interest with zoos and animals and this coupled with outstanding academic knowledge in zoology matters, made him much sought after. During his lifetime he published at least 53 papers including six books.
He gained a Bachelor’s Degree in 1944, Master’s Degree in 1948 and a Philosophiae Doctor’s Degree in 1954.
He undertook research into fish diseases in Tasmania and the small animals in Southern Rhodesia and Poland. Zoos managed were the Brookfield Zoo at Chicago, Taronga Park Zoo, Sydney and while in this position he built a new open range zoo in Dubbo, N.S.W. He was also associated with the Toronto, Canada and Salisbury U.S.A. zoos.
Written by Ivan Badcock