This article includes a list of Ivan’s British Forbears, including when they arrived in Australia and on which ship, along with other interesting information about each person. Many are featured in expanded articles on History Over Dinner.
1788 Scarborough (First Fleet) | Herbert, John Alexander | Convict | London (1767-1846), tried at the Old Bailey for Stealing a silk handkerchief |
1790 Lady Julianna | Bolton, Hannah (1767-1801) alias Ann Moor m. J.A. Herbert, above | Convict | Warwickshire, tried for burglary Born at Rowington near Coventry |
1806 Fortune | Chapman, William (1792-1852) m. Elizabeth Herbert, dau. J.A. Herbert | Convict | Hadfield, Broad Oak, Essex.Stealing a ewe and two lambs |
1821 Countess of Harcourt | Clark, Charles (1798-1872) | Convict | London, Stealing lead piping Tried at the Old Bailey |
1831 (Jan) America | Clarke, Frances (1802-1883) Married, Charles Clark, above | Convict | London, Theft/ pocket-picking |
1831 (Aug) Mary Ann | French, Francis (1791-1850) and French, Mary (1790-1871) | Emigrants | Pelynt, Cornwall |
1831 (Aug) Mary Ann | Badcock, John (1807-1890) Married (1) Ann French (1813-1850) | Emigrants | Pelynt, Cornwall daughter of Francis & Mary French, above |
1831 (Nov) Lord Lyndoch | Richardson, Isaac(1804-1873) | Convict | Born, Babington, Somerset A Swing Rioter |
1837 | Richardson, Matilda (1804-1887) | Emigrant | Wife of Isaac Richardson Brought 2 children with her |
1838 Thomas Lawrie | Scrivener, James Simon (1815-1845) | Emigrant | Ipswich, Suffolkm. Mary Ann Bishop, 1840 |
1840 Thomas Lawrie | Bishop, Mary Ann (1814-1907) | Emigrant | Born, Wiltshire, England. James Simon Scrivener and Mary Ann Bishop travelled together aboard the Thomas Lawrie |
1840 Egyptian | Goodyer, John Eli (1823-1908) | Convict | Warwick, Highway Robbery Married, Susannah Chapman (1827-1908), daughter of Wm. Chapman (above) |
1841 Lord Goderick | Hill, Francis (1825-1898) | Convict | Belgrave Gate, Leicester Stealing nuts |
1842 Arab | Walker, Michael (1813-1900) and Walker (nee Goss) Sarah (1814-1888) also 3 sons | Emigrants | Tottington, Norfolk, England Sarah, sister to Robert Goss, below |
1855 | Goss Robert (1818-1886) Goss (nee Cheston), Susannah | Emigrant | Tottington, Norfolk, England The family left with four children; three died on the voyage, with the surviving daughter being Ellen, and a son William Moore Goss, born mid-ocean. They started out on the Whirl Wind, but because of the outbreak of disease and numerous deaths, they were transferred to the Blanche Moore to complete the voyage. |
1857 Southern Eagle | Page, William (1813-1887) Page, Sarah (1815-1883) | Emigrant | Born, Clackton-on-Sea, Essex Born at Norwich, Norfolk. Both William and Sarah had been previously married, but partners had died. They emigrated, bringing 10 children, six of William’s children and Sarah’s four Upston children. |
1857 | Page, Robert (1838-1925) | Emigrant | Born, Attleborough, Norfolk. Son of William Page and travelled on the Southern Eagle. He married Ellen Goss (1850-1912). (See above) |
(Expanded profiles have been completed for many of the above and linked where available)
Compiled by Ivan Badcock – 4 January 2017 – Updated 8 January 2023